Saturday, April 4, 2020

Choosing to Cultivate Joy
(Meditation for Sunday 5th April)

Choosing Joy

With everything that is going on right now many of us are experiencing a roller-coaster of emotions. A lot of people are suffering through illness or loss of livelihood. Many are scared that they or their loved ones will be harmed or affected. Many more are simply confused, what exactly is going on right now?

So it may seem strange that this week I am suggesting that we focus on choosing and cultivating joy. Surely this isn't the time?

The key is understanding that while wonderful things may happen, and unpleasant or awful things may happen, our feelings are still a choice. I am sure you have come across people who are experiencing life-changing troubles but who still act with grace, joy and humor. They have done the hardest thing of all, to choose joy in adversity.

We can practice cultivating joy in all circumstances, and traditionally this is done through the practice of Mudita Bhavana.

We are taught to cultivate four qualities, collectively known as the Brahma Viharas or 'heavenly abodes.' These are the universal qualities that we should all develop. The four qualities roughly translate to Lovingkindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity.

Cultivating joy can be hard, especially in trying times - but these are the times when the practice is most important. Below is a fully guided thirty minute meditation on cultivating joy that may help you with this practice.

You can of course listen to this at any time. If you wish, however, a group of us have committed to sit and press 'play' on this at 7pm Pacific Time, Sunday April 5th 2020.

Please feel free to share this with your friends.

May you all experience joy, Chris.

If the above doesn't work for you please try clicking this link.

Photo by Huyen Nguyen on Unsplash

1 comment:

  1. Sam and I are so glad you sent this link. We loved hearing your voice, Chris, and the delightful meditation was deep for us both. Warmly, Denise Long


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